Need Help with improving your child’s writing?

Does your child struggle with…

  • figuring out what to write,
  • grammar and writing conventions,
  • how to organize their thoughts, or
  • the writing process?
need help writing, improve writing skills

Writing Skills Program

Focusing on concept imagery to create mental pictures before they write them on paper, the Writing Skills Program trains students to write with cohesive ideas, fluid thoughts, and descriptive language.

what to write about, ideas for writing


  • For the learner who doesn’t know what to write about,
  •  For the learner who is intimidated by writing, or
  • For the learner who avoids writing,

this program will solidify concept imagery so they can analyze the assignment and generate ideas.

grammar, punctuation, writing conventions, organizing ideas

Writing Conventions

  • For the learner who struggles with punctuation, capitalization, and grammar, or
  • For the learner who struggles with organizing their ideas,

this program teaches strategies to develop clear and understandable writing with descriptive language.

Benefits of This Program

Less Stress for You

No need to waste time travelling to sessions.

Confidence Booster

Highlighting your child's strengths and including their interests, confidence and self-esteem is built.

Student Portal

Access to resources, read session notes, and make payments.

Interactive Online Learning

Koala is a fun, safe, and secure online collaborative learning space where your child will excel and flourish.

Personalized Lessons

Instruction that is built around your child's individualized needs.

IXL/MobyMax Subscription

Access to educational resources on IXL /MobyMax.


You can pay weekly or monthly.

cost of tutoring session is $60 for 55 minutes